Paul Doud

2024 Inductee
Paul Doud was born in Houghton, Mich., and played youth hockey in the Copper Country Youth Hockey program in Houghton.

Molly Engstrom

2024 Inductee
Molly Engstrom was born and raised in the small northwestern town of Siren, Wis., and played youth hockey from the ages of six to twelve in nearby Webster.

Sue Pope

2024 Inductee
Sue Pope from Madison has been an “influencer” when it comes to girls’ and women’s hockey long before that term became popular on social media.

Kohlman began playing for the Fond du Lac Bears while in high school in the 1950s. After military service, Kohlman resumed playing and began a career with the Bears that spanned over 40 years. He was coach and general manager throughout that time. He was also active in the Wisconsin Amateur Hockey Association and USA Hockey, serving in numerous positions. He was instrumental in gaining ice facilities for his hometown. In Fond du Lac and throughout the state, he was known as “Papa Bear” and “Mr. Hockey.”