Paul Doud

2024 Inductee
Paul Doud was born in Houghton, Mich., and played youth hockey in the Copper Country Youth Hockey program in Houghton.

Molly Engstrom

2024 Inductee
Molly Engstrom was born and raised in the small northwestern town of Siren, Wis., and played youth hockey from the ages of six to twelve in nearby Webster.

Sue Pope

2024 Inductee
Sue Pope from Madison has been an “influencer” when it comes to girls’ and women’s hockey long before that term became popular on social media.

  • Arthur Richter - 1980
Richter was one of Eagle River's outstanding hockey players. His career began as a member of the high school team in 1948. Following high school he played with the city team called the Wildcats, and the old Falcon team. This was followed by 17 years as a member of the Northernaires, a team which claimed many championships over the years,including national championships in 1963 and 1964.

He helped form the Industdal League and played four years before retiring from active play. Following his playing days, it was only natural that "Dunnie" would turn to coaching at the youth level, coaching at the Pee Wee and Squirt levels from 1972 to the present.
For his many contributions to the area's sports programs, Richter was the recipient of the Vilas County Sportsman Award in 1976